Monday, October 31, 2011
Friday, October 14, 2011
Letter to Digvijay Singh
I hope you are fine and doing well in delhi. You are the only person who has dared to talk with people in front of camera. Only problem with your comments that you don’t think about the impact of you comment.
People think Congrss has appointed you as their soldier to divert people attention from real issues. Most of time your words don’t match with words of other people of your party. I hope you are not following Rakhi Sawant as your Ideal.
I read a joke about you “Once upon a Time a boy was speaking very few words in his school debate competition. Rajni told him to speak more and today that boy is known as Digvijay Singh.”
I would like to make your attention that instead of making comments on all use less issue. Please try to speak about real issues of India. We don’t care either RSS supported Anna or not. We care that when real culprits of 2G will go behind bar.
Please try to add Education, Health and Infrastructure in your next pole advertisement. Sadak, Bijali aur Pani se kab tak kaam chalega.
Doing Kamaal,
Kamal Upadhyay
Monday, October 10, 2011
Aurangzeb ordered destruction of all Hindu temples and schools: As many as 5,000 temples were destroyed under him—a minimum of 200 in 1679 alone
The demolition of the Babri Masjid in Ayodhya on 6 December 1992 was just one episode in the millennial struggle of the Hindus to repossess their religion-centered culture and nation. Meanwhile, hundreds of ancient Hindu temples forsaken all over Hindustan await the reawakening of Hindu cultural pride to be repaired or rebuilt and restored to their original, ancient glory.
Stop Loot of Hindu Temples
PAKISTAN: A 12 year-old Christian is gang raped for eight months, forcibly converted and then 'married' to her Muslim attacker
ISSUES: Gang rape; abduction; forced conversion of religion; child rights; miscarriage of justice; impunity
Dear friends,
The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that A 12-year-old Christian girl was abducted and raped for eight months. The rapists have not been arrested because of their affiliation with a militant Muslim organization. The police are also refusing to order a medical checkup. The Judicial Magistrate of the area took her statement under section 164 Cr Pc (Criminal Procedure Code) but has not made any orders for her security. One of the rapist claims that he has married the girl but she denies that any marriage took place during her abduction and captivity.
Will expose Robert Vadra next, says Dr. Subramanian Swamy
"I am in the process of gathering evidences to prove his (Robert Vadra) involvement in corruption...As of now, I am not going to disclose anything further in this regard," Mr Swamy told reporters at a Press conference here.
Declining to share the "nature of the scam" Mr Vadra is allegedly involved in, Mr Swamy said: "Whenever I make an attempt to expose corrupt individuals, my integrity is questioned."
"When I exposed A Raja's involvement in the 2G scam, the opponents termed me an anti-Dalit. Likewise, when Kanimozhi was arrested in the scam, it was said that I acted against her just because she was a woman, and I hated women in's all baseless. I always substantiate my charges with the documents I collect on my own," he said.
Pulling up the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) for its probe into the 2G scam, Mr Swamy added: "Even as there are records indicating P Chidambaram's role in the scam, he has not been made the co-accused in the case...I will try to make him a co-accused in the case."
He said his party would contest 50 seats in the upcoming Uttar Pradesh Assembly elections, and that he was ready to make "adjustments" with the BJP in this regard. "Now, it depends on BJP to decide on the matter," said Mr Swamy.
Source : thestatesman
“Janata Party will contest 50 seats in upcoming UP polls: Dr. Subramanian Swamy” plus 1 more
Lucknow 1st October : Janata Party President Subramanian Swamy on Saturday said that his party would contest the upcoming Uttar Pradesh Assembly elections from 50 seats for which it is open to forming an alliance with BJP.
Swamy, who was here to take part in a seminar organised by the bar association, said that Janata Party has decided to contest the Assembly elections in Uttar Pradesh scheduled to be held early next year.
"Janata Party is planning to field candidates on 50 seats in Uttar Pradesh," Swamy said.
To a question, he said if the BJP so desires, his party can have an alliance with it for the Assembly elections.
Source : IBNLive
Secularism: a doctrine that rejects religion and religious considerations
Secularism: a doctrine that rejects religion and religious considerations
@swamy39 Tweet of the day
Oh ! What a survival. As Krishna said " Cowards die many deaths, but the brave only one."
@swamy39 Tweet of the day
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Stress-buster: Funny statements & new ideas
- "There is no scam at all in 2G spectrum allocation. All these figures are 'imaginary'. Don't read too much into it. As they are only indicative and couldn't be exacts." - Kapil Sibal, who replaced Attrocious Raja.
- "26/11 Mumbai terrorist strike was done by 'saffron' terrorists." - Diggy (I love this guy! He could well replace Cyrus Broacha in his shows.)
- "Savarkar was the father of Two nation theory" - Diggy (again? Ya, little did he know that it was supposed to be a Three nation theory with a seperate nation called Dravida Nadu comprising present day AP, TN, Kerala & Karanataka - initiative by Periyar, who even met Mountbatten in this regard!)
Solution: What it takes to set India's problems?
As everyone says: It should be 360 degree sustainable growth. When I say 360 degree, it should be thought from a view as if you are in that situation of common public. Unfortunately, it just doesn't work well while communicating the same. Hence, the following...
Secular? That's a laugh
Every time secular India has demanded that the system of personal laws based on religious injunctions should be done away with, that Article 44 of the Constitution of India which enjoins upon the government to adopt a Uniform Civil Code should be taken for what it was meant to be, a cornerstone of State policy in a modern nation state, a countervailing cry has gone up, alleging that it is an assault on the identity of minority communities.
Dr. Swamy threatens to move court against Delhi Police
In a letter to Police Commissioner BK Gupta, Swamy said he had already sought a copy of the FIR but has not been provided with it.
"The courts have now come to recognise that law of torts provides for a suit against misfeasance in performance of duty and therefore the police failure to act according to the provisions of Articles 21 and 22 of the Constitution will invite a suit of damages against Delhi Police," Swamy said.
He also said the FIR was registered on September 26 or 27 according to media reports and it was more than two months after a controversial article written by him was published.
"Hence you are required to give a satisfactory explanation for the delay and if the said explanation is not satisfactory in court, it will vitiate the FIR itself, and liable to be quashed," he said.
Delhi Police had recently registered a case of spreading enmity between communities against Swamy for his certain suggestions made by him. The Crime Branch registered a case under Section 153A (spreading enmity between communities) of Indian Penal Code for his newspaper article in July this year.
Source : PTI
Monday, September 26, 2011
Double Standards of Congress, pseudo- seculars, pseudo- activists
हजारों सिखों का कत्लेआम – एक गलती
कश्मीर में हिन्दुओं का नरसंहार – एक राजनैतिक समस्या
गुजरात में कुछ हजार लोगों द्वारा मुसलमानों की हत्या – एक विध्वंस
बंगाल में गरीब प्रदर्शनकारियों पर गोलीबारी – गलतफ़हमी
गुजरात में “परजानिया” पर प्रतिबन्ध – साम्प्रदायिक
“दा विंची कोड” और “जो बोले सो निहाल” पर प्रतिबन्ध – धर्मनिरपेक्षता
कारगिल हमला – भाजपा सरकार की भूल
चीन का 1962 का हमला – नेहरू को एक धोखा
जातिगत आधार पर स्कूल-कालेजों में आरक्षण – सेक्यूलर
अल्पसंख्यक संस्थाओं में भी आरक्षण की भाजपा की मांग – साम्प्रदायिक
सोहराबुद्दीन की फ़र्जी मुठभेड़ – भाजपा का सांप्रदायिक चेहरा
ख्वाजा यूनुस का महाराष्ट्र में फ़र्जी मुठभेड़ – पुलिसिया अत्याचार
गोधरा के बाद के गुजरात दंगे - मोदी का शर्मनाक कांड
मेरठ, मलियाना, मुम्बई, मालेगाँव आदि-आदि-आदि दंगे - एक प्रशासनिक विफ़लता
हिन्दुओं और हिन्दुत्व के बारे बातें करना – सांप्रदायिक
इस्लाम और मुसलमानों के बारे में बातें करना – सेक्यूलर
संसद पर हमला – भाजपा सरकार की कमजोरी
अफ़जल गुरु को सुप्रीम कोर्ट के आदेश के बावजूद फ़ाँसी न देना – मानवीयता
भाजपा के इस्लाम के बारे में सवाल – सांप्रदायिकता
कांग्रेस के “राम” के बारे में सवाल – नौकरशाही की गलती
यदि कांग्रेस लोकसभा चुनाव जीती – सोनिया को जनता ने स्वीकारा
मोदी गुजरात में चुनाव जीते – फ़ासिस्टों की जीत
सोनिया मोदी को कहती हैं “मौत का सौदागर” – सेक्यूलरिज्म को बढ़ावा
जब मोदी अफ़जल गुरु के बारे में बोले – मुस्लिम विरोधी
P Chidambaram has Rs 50,000 crore in foreign banks

Sunday, September 18, 2011
The Hindu secularists : Liberals or Hypocrites?
Pseudo SecularismBy Sameer Thakkar
Today, we can find many people who are quick to christen famous Hindu gurus as “dhongis” and “pakhandi”. Such people generally hold the view that to become a guru all one needs is to chant a few mantras and promote the supertitions. These people think that the millions who follow
Of Congressmen, Scamsters and Plunderers !
Gandhi Family grabs 8 Acres of land in Haryana2 ½ Crores in Rajiv Gandhi’s foreign bank accountsCAG says, ‘PMO behind CWG scam’Defence Ministry involved in Rs. 750 crore scam
Gandhi Family grabs 8 Acres of land in HaryanaNew Delhi - Bhupider Singh Hooda Government of Congress Party has blatantly violated land laws and has given 8 Acres of land in Gurgaon to ‘Rajiv Gandhi Charitable Trust’ on a nominal lease. The land to this Trust
2G Spectrum Case : Swamy to make Chidambaram co-accused
NEW DELHI : The Janata Party President, Dr Subramanian Swamy, told a Special Court on Friday that he will file an application before it to make Mr P. Chidambaram a co-accused in the 2G spectrum case.
Dr Subramanian Swamy's Statement on the killer of Rajiv Gandhi (29 August 11)
President of the Janata Party.
"It is surprising that members of an organization which calls itself as “Liberation Tigers” of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) are cringing before the Government of India for seeking mercy for those who have been found guilty by the Supreme Court of a conspiracy to kill Rajiv Gandhi and thus sentenced to death. When the trial was proceeding, these criminals were rejoicing at their evil deed to kill Rajiv Gandhi as revenge for his dispatching the IPKF to Sri Lanka.
Dr Subramanian Swamy's Statement on the killer of Rajiv Gandhi (29 August 11)
President of the Janata Party.
"It is surprising that members of an organization which calls itself as “Liberation Tigers” of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) are cringing before the Government of India for seeking mercy for those who have been found guilty by the Supreme Court of a conspiracy to kill Rajiv Gandhi and thus sentenced to death. When the trial was proceeding, these criminals were rejoicing at their evil deed to kill Rajiv Gandhi as revenge for his dispatching the IPKF to Sri Lanka.
Statement of Subramanian swamy
Anti-Hindu Congress tries to push through one more draconian Bill !
If Corruption is India’s Disease then Hindutva is the Cure

Corruption in India is now a major concernfor all patriotic citizens because of scams galoresuch as Satyam, IPL, CWG, and 2G Spectrum etc., etc..By all objective criteria, India today has by far one of the most corrupt governance.It is fueled by greed and single-minded adherence to materialism.
Corruption generally is any inducement, or bribe, to do or not to do anything that the bribe giver wants from the bribe taker who otherwise will not do or will do. By this broad definition even dowry payments is corruption. We are however concerned here with misuse of public office for private gain either for oneself, family or friend. This represents a governance failure and hence of primary national concern.
Article by Dr. Swamy : "How to wipe out Islamic terror"
Dr. Subramaniam Swamy July 14, 2011The terrorist blast in Mumbai on July 13, 2011 requires a decisive soul searching by Hindus of India. Hindus cannot accept to be killed in this Halal fashion, continuously bleeding every day, till the nation finally collapses.

There are about 40 reported and unreported terrorist attacks per month in the country. That is why the recent US National Counter-Terrorism Centre publication A Chronology of International Terrorism states: ‘India suffered more terrorist acts than any other country’.